Sudden deaths of the impersonator process no longer cause unintended behavior.Configuration data that cannot be serialized now prevents an incomplete output file from being written to disk.Admin UI: The system_user's name cannot be edited anymore (rightly so).Admin UI (macOS): Implemented workarounds for some wxWidgets glitches and malfunctions.Admin UI: Fixed a crash in listener editor.Admin UI: The password fields in the configuration dialog now how show a hint to inform the user about how to keep the existing password.Communication with the impersonator child process is now asynchronous.Settings still residing under %LOCALAPPDATA%\filezilla-server are automatically migrated. This is to workaround the issue that when doing a Windows Update the settings could be wiped out. MSW: If the service is running under the SYSTEM account, configuration files are now placed under %PROGRAMDATA%\filezilla-server.Server: The version number in the welcome messsage can now be manually suppressed by setting the "has_version" attribute of the message field in the configuration file to "false".Server: Implemented throttling of login attempts in case of too many failed attempts.Admin UI: Connection dialog did not remember the last used port if there are multiple saved entries for the same hostname with different ports.Sinds de versie 1.4.1 zijn de volgende veranderingen en verbeteringen aangebracht: FileZilla Server 1.5.0 Bugfixes and minor changes: Voorheen was het programma alleen beschikbaar voor Windows, maar tegenwoordig ook voor Linux en macOS. FileZilla Server is een kleine en krachtige ftp-server met onder andere ondersteuning voor fxp (het versturen van bestanden van de ene naar de andere ftp-server), beveiligde verbindingen (ssl en tls), gss-authenticatie en Kerberos-encryptie. Versie 1.5.0 van de opensource-ftp-server FileZilla Server is uitgekomen.