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You can also find Gorillaz special new & latest playlists with only Gorillaz songs.All hits Gorillaz songs are available on Hungama Music that you can listen online and also get free mp3 downloads. All latest Gorillaz songs are available to download & listen on Hungama Music for you.Hungama Music also allows you to download top mp3 songs list online for free and you can download all Indian Gorillaz new songs and download mp3 songs to listen offline. The most popular in gives you all the latest hit songs and music that you love!You can listen to top Gorillaz songs like Clint Eastwood. You can experience New Gorillaz songs list 2023 across all genres and moods like Heart Broken, Soulful, Chill, Happy, Tripping, Romance, Party. Also, "Feel Good Inc." makes an appearance in Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party 3 on Wii And Grand Theft Auto 5 On Xbox One, Playstaion 4 And PC Versions.Gorillaz Songs: Presenting the most dynamic and versatile – Gorillaz. The feel of the B-sides was more free and experimental than that of those that had appeared on 'Demon Days' - showcasing another side to the Gorillaz sound. A total of 4 new and original songs were available across formats, although "Murdoc is God" was only included on the Japanese CD. In the UK, due to a loophole in the chart rules, Feel Good Inc was able to enter the charts before its official release because the record company released 300 copies of the 7-inch single format, meaning that legal downloads would count towards a chart placing for the single ( this was because, according to UK chart rules at that time, a single could only chart if a physical format was available, although download sales contributed to chart placings). In the US, aided by an iPod commercial featuring the song, and presence on the latest successful "Now" compilation, "Feel Good Inc." took Gorillaz to a whole new level - the track peaked just outside the top 10 in the Billboard Top 100, and it was also top of the Modern Rock charts for a 3 week spell. "Feel Good Inc." charted high in most European countries (including an at-the-time career best of #2 in England, accompanied by a chart run to rival Clint Eastwood's 4 years before). is a single featured as the sixth track on the 2005 album Demon Days.